“I was kidnapped from my mother’s family, they were satanist. They had plans to make me into a female savior, which does not exist. They tried to make me kill this man and I said ‘no daddy, no, I can’t kill him’. I said no. I told Satan no. They beat me. They broke my nose and my wrist. They hung me on a tree. I was gasping and couldn’t breathe. The Lord revealed Himself to me. The Lord just touched me and I could breathe again. I lived. In 1980 I was sold to a child predator and was forced to marry him, he raped me. We divorced 5 years later. I was angry with God for what happened to me. Sometimes it’s a struggle, but God is with me every step of the way and has always been faithful to me. Today, my relationship to the Lord is very close. I walk with Him day by day. He provides for me. He is the one that carried me through this. God will never leave or forsake you. He loves all of His children. If God could get me out of the situation that I was in, He will get you out of any situation that you’re in. He is love. He is merciful. He is kind. He is great! My name is Abby and I surrender.”
(Abby, Alma, Kansas)