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“He raped me that night. I felt worthless, devalued, and filthy. There wasn’t enough soap in the world to make me feel clean again. I got a My Space message. It was from a stranger. They wrote in a way that was familiar to me. They sounded like a friend, someone I knew. We ended up talking on the phone. We met one time and we met a second time at my trailer. A few weeks later I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I had to hear from God, I had to. I could not survive without Him. I knew that babies are created by God and life is never an accident. I don’t regret for one second choosing life for my daughter. She has made my life so beautiful. It is crazy love. She is a symbol of hope and inspiration and what God can do if you let Him. In scripture where Jesus is hanging on the cross and He says, 'Father forgive them for they don’t know what they’re doing' came to mind a lot during the process. This man, he’s a rapist. He’s a sinner. I’m a sinner. How can you not forgive? How am I in a place not to forgive, I’ve sinned. God is bigger and smarter than the enemy and more loving than we can even comprehend.”


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