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“I was a slave for three years in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. I witnessed my friends being murdered and I was barely fed. When Pol Pot’s soldiers weren’t looking, I would eat whatever I could find; snake, lizard, and wild potatoes. One night I had a dream that I was standing on a muddy clay path in the jungle. At the end of the path was a rusty gate with a large padlock on it. This gate represented freedom and escape from Cambodia. While standing on the muddy path, a large tiger jumped out of the jungle, trying to kill me. At this point the Holy Spirit entered into my body, removing all fear. I grabbed the tiger by the face and broke its jaw. A second tiger leaped at me and I broke its spine with my foot. Slithering towards me was large cobra. When the serpent looked into my eyes, it was afraid and went back into the jungle. After the snake disappeared, the lock on the gate broke and it opened. Later, I found out that I had been randomly selected for a full sponsorship to the United States. Since then, my life has been spiritually transformed by Jesus Christ. I met my husband at church in Texas. Jerone and I built a church in Chuuk, Cambodia, my home village. We spend seven months out of the year in Cambodia spreading the gospel. I realized much later that my dream was described in Psalm 91:10-16. My name is Tien and I surrender."

(Tien, Garland, Texas)

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