"I felt the most broken growing up. I was neglected from age 0-12. My parents partied a lot and drank all the time. I was put into the foster system at age 12. My mom died when I was 16. I gave my life to Jesus four years ago on August 19th, 2013. I surrendered to Him and began creating a relationship with Him. God was my main healer and teacher. It's always been a forward movement in my relationship with Christ and I've kept falling more and more in love with Him. I became obsessed with God. Reading the bible everyday and wanting to praise Him and learn more about Him. God is our ultimate healer. Surrendering to God means constantly dying to yourself, and constantly being at the foot of the throne. It is not easy, especially when people come from horrible backgrounds and have lived horrible lives, but all things are possible in Christ.That is the truth. And as long as you bring it to God and keep giving it to Him it will get easier and the reward is so worth it. The freedom you find in Christ cannot compare to any drug or high.I would not change it for anything. My name is Ashley and I surrender."