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"In the fall of 2006, I was sexually assaulted by two different men within just a few hours of each other. At that time, I was a borderline alcoholic. In various seasons of my life, I have struggled with an addiction to pornography. I did not have a relationship with Christ at that time, but a year later, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I had some friends that influenced me to move in the direction of Him. When you try and change your life, the old self is more familiar. Because of this, for several years after I accepted Christ I was still struggling. This caused anxiety and depression for me. I felt I was letting my friends down and I felt I was letting God down. I wondered why I was even here and I thought about suicide. I joined the worship team at church and I used that to try and fill me up. When I finally shared my story with other women, it hit home that I am here to share my story and testimony and help others through it. Recognizing my brokenness and knowing that I needed to rely on God to get me through was a big step. That is the only place we should go for help and security and freedom. That is where our reliance has to be. When you share your story and sins and put them in the light, God shines a light on them and helps you overcome. People can judge you but our salvation does not depend on what others say. Let go and let God. Ask and you shall receive. These are true promises. My name is Sharina and I surrender.”

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