“I grew up Catholic, going to mass a lot, but I didn't like it. I was just doing what my parents said. When I went to college I wanted to stop going to church and my parents were OK with that. I met my wife for the first time and she was following Christ. She introduced me to the concept of Christianity. This opened my eyes to the brokenness in my life. This was an incredible transition for me, but not an immediate one. When people think of others coming to know Christ, it's not always this big moment when you're just completely dedicated. But the Lord kept pulling on me, inch by inch. Eventually, I got plugged in. I had a pastor that was willing to meet with me and answer some of the questions in my analytical mind. I came to understand the truth about things. This is when I made the decision to get baptized. The biggest thing that happened to me after that was my priorities changed. My community became more important to me than me. A general happiness comes after you know Jesus and are living for Him. I can feel that every day. Christ changes the things inside you that you can't change on your own. Jesus is so much more than the public persona. Some people are just afraid to share about Christ because of what others will say or think. But in reality, I think others want to know about it. The stigma of following Christ is tough to get around, but living with a little boldness for Christ is something that is very important. We are called to bring others to Him. A lot of people are happy with where they are at, but if they would just give it a chance, they would be surprised how much better life can be. My name is Brian and I surrender.”