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“My husband was given 3 months to live. He had already been through a lung transplant and was given 9 years to live prior this diagnosis, which we were grateful for. But this piece of news brought panic and an overwhelming question of, ‘What now?’ We had been married for 43 years, and I couldn’t imagine a life without him. Why would God allow healing just to bring it to an end now? I couldn’t wrapmy mind around it. He passed away in July of 2012. I became suicidal. I started to blame God. I thought I was done. But God continually reminded me of His plans for the remainder of my life. I had received 7 cards in the mail from people all over the country during this grievance, and every single one of them had the verse Jeremiah 29:11 written in it. God has plans to give me hope and a future. My family didn’t know how or when God would show up in this, but I began to believe He would. As I ran to Him, he changed my mourning into dancing. I couldn’t see the good things I still had because my head was so heavy. He lifted my head and revealed His faithfulness to me. He has provided me with so many women in my life who have come around me and encouraged who He has made me to be. He prepared me for this. He is still the protector of this home, even though it’s just me now. My house has become a shelter of peace. When we lean into illness, depression, or poverty, we find that we are provided for. I have learned that alone is not something that I am. My name is Judy and I surrender.”

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