“There were severe beatings, my father and mother were against saved Christians. My father was a Major General in the military. My mom used to be Muslim, but converted to Lutheran. They were nominal Christians, they had not been redeemed. They did not have salvation in their hearts. They couldn’t discern between true Christians and false prophets. I went to Arusha to see my father, I was persecuted. They wanted me to leave Jesus, leave salvation. They told me that I was in the darkness and that I was stupid. They didn’t understand me. They were against me. It was a wonderful thing coming to Christ. I had peace when I came to Christ, even though the devil was torturing me. I had a vision; I saw Jesus Christ on a tall cross that went way up into the sky. I saw the angels going around the cross. The scripture that came to me was about persecution, John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Jesus was condemned because of me and you. Our sins tortured Him. My brothers and sisters, I want to tell you that Jesus loves you. He came as Grace. Grace is Gods unmerited favor, giving us what we don’t deserve. We don’t deserve to go to heaven. Jesus has opened the door if we trust and believe in His blood and how He died for our sins. This is the Gospel of salvation. My name is Ravi and I surrender.”