"Medical workers told me I should have died in Utah. I had a huge episode in my life with a massive blood clot in my lungs. We were in our camper in Moab, Utah when I was having trouble breathing. I had more than 20 divisional blood clots in my lungs. I should have flown to the hospital but wanted to go home. I do not know if you know medical things but that means you probably should die. God saved my life! I have grown up with Jesus in my life. I have been married 49 years to a man who loves God. We have lived all over, as my husband is a military officer. Wherever we go, I know God is with us. Every day we have to rely on Christ for our needs and wants. We need to focus on loving and sharing with others. How could I ever rely on myself and not Jesus? It is a blessing to share your faith and to help the next generation follow God. Live your life to make God known to others. When people are struggling, they should find a mentor or a Christian they can relate to and be open with their life. God puts people in your life. My name is Lynda and I surrender."