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"I was in prison for 2 years. I had been arrested in 1998 for conspiracy to distribute. The sentence was supposed to be 5-20 years, though. This is when the most profound thing happened for me. I had 2 children and by now I had moved on from the bad lifestyle and had been sober for 3 years. I had a job and I had no idea I had warrants. When I went to court and found out how much time I was going to be sentenced I became so afraid. I did not want to leave my children for that long. I wanted to run, because that was what I was good at. I was sitting in my car and I opened up the bible. I asked God to help me and to bring me a word. When I opened the bible and read it said "…you will do two years…", Joseph was in prison for two years after he interpreted the dreams of the chief butler and baker. I thought, 'OK, I can do that.' I went in front of the judge and when he heard that I had been off methamphetamine's for 3 years he was amazed and decided to only give me 2 years in prison. This had been the first time I had laid it all out and trusted God. It was profound. Search out that relationship with Christ. It is about the RELATIONSHIP not the RELIGION. He is the shelter in my storm, "It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain." Isaiah 4: 6 . My name is Cheri and I surrender."

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