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Sean, Chief of Police, Rolla, MO

“My father was a very abusive alcoholic my entire life. I’m not talking physical abuse, I’m talking about verbal abuse. It was very difficult. I was born into a Catholic family. I did a lot of praying to try and cure my father. The church was kind of my escape from that. I wanted the church to be my family. I wanted to be a priest. I was already signed up for seminary after graduating high school. I met my wife and it didn’t take long for both of us to realize that we were in love. I had to make the commitment not to become a priest, but to dedicate my life to her. My wife had an accident and it severed her spine, she’s paralyzed from about mid chest down. She spent months in the hospital. I knew immediately that she was going to be paralyzed and I thought I could handle it without any problem. It’s not as easy as one would think. It got really frustrating for me, I know that it hurt my marriage. It got to a point where I had reached the bottom with my faith and with life itself. I was in a park and started crying, I got out of my car and dropped down to my knees and I finally asked God for help. That’s when I felt the Spirit of Christ come upon me and immediately strengthen me. Ever since then I have grown in my faith with Him. My wife saw the change in me and it helped her. We grew together in our faith. As a police officer I got calloused, I was gruff. Once Christ came into my life, that all started going away, “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8. That was December of 2004. My advice to people is to tell the story of Christ, I’m constantly doing it in my job. We have to do that, it’s part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). His (Christ) whole ministry was based towards sinners, the less fortunate. He picked twelve people that nobody would have ever picked and changed the entire world. My name is Sean and I surrender.”

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